What is the greatest gift someone could give me?

#Bloganuary post. 4

I have turned this question over in my mind countless times. Should this post focus on the tangible or intangible gifts? Does the ‘greatest gift’ even refer to something alive or dormant? Is it eternal? Or, like a scoop of my favourite ice-cream, melt under the heat of the sun?

Without even batting an eye, I will confess that I love receiving gifts, particularly the surprise kind. Telling someone that you wanted a particular item is no less special upon receipt than a gift you had no idea you would get because someone special decided to buy it for you. That kind of expression hits deep in my emotions. That feeling is a rather sweet one.

If we are speaking of ‘greatest’ gifts, if we are going to rate them, I have to set out certain criteria:

  • The memorability index – do I still remember it to this day?
  • The feeling after receiving it – was I over the moon with excitement?
  • Is it meaningful?

Using these indicators, I can say then that I have had many great gifts: Trips to celebrate a birthday; jewelry from my parents; drawings and paintings from my daughter; friend popping by to collect me out of the blue to spend the day sightseeing; treats from colleagues, and many other things and moments. Admittedly, very beautiful examples of the friendship and bond between my loved ones and me.

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

More than all of these lovely tangible gifts though, the greatest gift one can give me is that of spending time with me. I value the time I spend with family and friends. I sometimes think that they could be doing something else but they choose to spend their time with me. That to me is the greatest gift. We cannot measure time nor can we purchase it from a store. Spending quality time with another person goes a long way in enhancing communication, fostering trust and emotional connection.

“Never take for granted the time others spent with you.”

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

As the years go by and I acknowledge that some persons I care about are no longer with me, I am extremely grateful for the gift of their life and the time shared with me. When I match time against the many tangible expressions of emotions that I have been fortunate to receive over the years, I cannot help but think I am the richer for having spent my time with with such wonderful people.

Wishing each of you a time well-spent this weekend!

Love and light,


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