What does ‘playtime’ look like for me?

#Bloganuary post. 2

When I thought of how to structure my response to this question, I cast my mind back to childhood times and the games I played with my siblings, friends or cousins. Those were the days of hopscotch, Chinese skip, rounders, snakes and ladders and Ludo, just to name a few.

The set-up for Chinese skip was fun itself because it involved us asking my mum or aunties for their old, worn stockings. Once we got at least 3 pairs, we would cut the leg portions away from the waist. Then tie the legs -one to another- until we made a circle (of sorts). Grabbing two friends, they would stand in the middle of the circle and step out parallel to each other, until the stocking rope was taut enough around their ankles. The idea behind the game, was to jump in and out of the circle without touching the rope. The lowest level would be the ankles and the rope would go up to calves, knees, hips, waist, etc., all the way up to overhead. The taller the participant, the easier it was for him/her to step into the circle at the highest level without touching the rope.

Children playing Chinese skip. Taken from WWW.

Nowadays, with the ease of downloading games onto the smartphone or other handheld devises, my go-to electronic games are cribbage, sudoku, Wordle and Tetris. They can be fun but I tire easily as I am not engaged in play with another human being.

I found another way of reimagining playtime as I am not very big on gaming systems, or even holding a phone in my hand constantly to play a game. Especially at this juncture in my life, playtime speaks more of a time of ease. If I use that thinking, playtime is going to the spa for a pedi/mani, a practice I reinstituted the middle of last year. Once a month, I make a date to have my feet and hands pampered. It’s a date I do not miss because they are such relaxing moments.

This second form of play (using my interpretation above) which I absolutely adore is fellowshipping with my friends. It matters not the weather or the country in which we find ourselves, I enjoy being with my friends. Talk about fun!! From fancy outings to coffee dates; from beach days to impromptu brunches; from travelling to shopping to crying, and whatever else in between, it is like my soul needs these moments of ease and bonding. Male or female friends, my friendships are the types that foster play and playfulness, and I am so grateful for that.

Taken from WWW.

How do you imagine play now as an adult compared to your childhood?

Love and light,


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